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an ID Buzz Cargo driving along a road

Solutions Personal Contract Plan:

*18s+. Subject to status. Ordered by 31/03/2025 from participating Van Centres. Indemnities may be required. Subject to changes in vehicle or equipment prices. May be varied or withdrawn at any time. Freepost Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Financial Services.

BEV Agency Solutions Personal Contract Plan:

*18s+. Subject to status. Ordered by 31/03/2025 from participating Van Centres who act as Agents on behalf of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles UK. Indemnities may be required. Subject to changes in vehicle or equipment prices. May be varied or withdrawn at any time. Freepost Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Financial Services.

^Vehicle is sold by Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles UK, a trading division of Volkswagen Group, United Kingdom Limited. When financed with Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Financial Services, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles UK will sell the vehicle to Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Financial Services who will enter into a finance agreement with the customer. On The Road Price stated is the On The Road Cash Price of the vehicle.

Business Contract Hire:

Business users only. No ownership. Contract Hire agreement. Excess mileage charges may apply. Fair wear and tear charges may apply. All Prices Exclude VAT. VAT payable at 20%. 18s+. Subject to status. Ordered by 31/03/2025 from participating Van Centres. Indemnities may be required. Subject to changes in vehicle or equipment prices. May be varied or withdrawn at any time. Freepost Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Financial Services.